Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A little pain . . . a little TMI

*sniffle, sniffle, sniffle*

OUCH!! Okay, since I did two work-outs yesterday, pretty much on top of each other, I figured doing two today would be no problem. This morning I did the 30-Day Shred and then after dinner this evening I went up to our apartment's gym to do the Week 1, Day 1 of Couch to 5k

NOT a good idea. Actually, I was fine until about minute 10. My calf muscles started to cramp up, but I decided I was going to push through it. I was going to be fine. I'd done this before after all. By 13 minutes into it, the shin splint in my right leg flared up again and I decided to call it quits. I limped home and am now sitting on the couch dying.

My left leg is starting to feel a little better, but my right leg is still absolutely SCREAMING!!

I think I tried to do too much too fast. For now, though it kills me, I'm going to stick to Curves and the Evil Lady, I mean, 30-Day Shred. That means 3 times a week I'll do double duty and 3 days a week I'll just do the Shred.

I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow, but I may take tomorrow off totally.

OH! I didn't wear heels today. I couldn't find my other heel and I knew exactly where my flats where. Okay, I'm off to apply ice and heat to my legs. (Once I figure out which one or in what order. OOOOOOWWWWW!!!!)

OH! Quick question! With the 10k coming up, I've been thinking . . . What's a good thing to eat for breakfast? I really don't want to shart again . . . like I did last year. THAT was embarrassing! (And not very comfortable!)

1 comment:

  1. Hehe! Your TMI was great! I gues probably just don't have a bran muffin and coffee! :)

    Wow, you're a monster witht he workouts right now...I'd say you should ease up a little bit, but your plan moving forward sounds great!
