Thursday, March 18, 2010

Exercising my Brussels Sprouts

Oooh!! I had Brussels Sprouts for dinner last night! They were YUMMY!! They had a slight buttery taste to them. I was slightly surprised because I was fully prepared to absolutely abhor them. I don't know how they are left-over. Frankly, I'm a little scared.

But today is grocery shopping day! YIPEE!! Fresh veggies and fruit to eat and eat and eat! Oranges, apples, asparagus, green beans, grapes, bananas, lettuce (I'm going to get a head of lettuce, I'm over bag o'salad), tomatoes (as long as they're not too horribly expensive. The last one I got? YIKES!!) and what other yummies catch my attention. I do think I'm going to get a couple lemons for water. (Oh poopie-heads! I forgot my half lemon in the fridge for my water today! POOP!)

I think I was supposed to go grocery shopping yesterday after speech choir, but I got home from the WW weigh-in (I didn't stay for the meeting, but I did spend about 1/2 hour in the parking lot catching up with Mom), my body was done. I have not felt that fatigued in a very long time. My body told me to stop, that it was done for the day, so I sent off a text letting them know I wasn't coming and stayed home. It was actually nice. I made some Brussels Sprouts and was able to enjoy them while watching History International.

I had changed into some work out clothes to push myself just enough to crank out a 30 Day Shred work-out. It didn't happen. I think I have psyched myself out of that. I have given Jillian Michaels more credit than she's due. She's evil, yes. But I think by calling her the Evil Lady, it's psyched me out. So no more evil lady. I'm sure I will still cuss at the TV while I do the 30 Day Shred and tell her how much I hate her. (tee-hee)

I'm wondering . . . is it too much to do Curves and 30 Day Shred in one day? I may try that tonight and see how I feel.

Speaking of Curves, today is measuring day for me! I know the weight won't be good, but I'm coming to terms with that . . . still. I'm kinda excited for the measurements.

So . . . way back when in a post from a land long ago and far away (or something like that, since I've not been at this blog very long) I talked about 'fessing up to every little bite that I ate. My question is:
Do you really want to see that?


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